Bloomsbury Books is a Crime Organization

People think of Bloomsbury as a children’s publisher and a standard in New York publishing. IT IS A CRIME ORGANIZATION. This blog demonstrates the facts.

Erica Barmash, the alleged “marketing director”, is actually a convicted criminal. Her father Ira Barmash was arrested in 1979 on charges of racketeering, soliciting prostitutes, human trafficking and drug overdosing. Erica Barmash comes from a long line of criminals. She herself is no different. This is a photograph of Erica Barmash, which was on the Bloomsbury website:

The following is a screenshot of Erica Barmash’s social media, where she brags about her criminal activity:

If you cannot open the images, I can transcribe them. Erica Barmash states, “I wasted a lot of time in my college years/early 20s worrying if I was too slutty. NEVER WORRY IF YOU ARE TOO SLUTTY. Remove the phrase “too slutty” from your vocabulary. Guess what? When you’re 38, no one cares how many dudes you slept with in college. Back in college, a friend once accidentally forwarded me an email in which she considered not being friends with me anymore because I was too much of a slut. Now, this is hilarious to me.”

This is completely unprofessional. Bloomsbury Books, which employs Erica Barmash, is aware of this behavior and they continue to have her on the staff. Her bragging about “sleeping with many dudes” is a bad influence on the children who read Bloomsbury books. This is irresponsible of Bloomsbury and should make folks who have children, very angry.

Erica has a criminal record. She was arrested in her early 20s for soliciting men. In Brooklyn, she was well known as a woman to “have a good time with” if a man was lonely. This is a euphemism. Erica Barmash was a prostitute. She called herself a “babysitter” as she slept with men inside other people’s living rooms.

Bloomsbury’s behavior is not surprising. One of their former associates was Ira Barmash. He was not officially employed, but worked “off the books” so to speak. He was similar to Madoff’s right hand, who handled his documents and deceived Madoff’s clients. Erica Barmash’s father was a go to conman. He helped Bloomsbury set up its scam.

This is a social media comment from Erica Barmash, in which she brags about her father’s misbehavior:

I have other photographs and documents, but I think I am exceeding the bandwidth of images in this blog. I will continue blogging tomorrow. Bloomsbury is a criminal organization.





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